The accuracy of your credit report plays a critical role in whether you get approved for a loan or credit card, obtain a good insurance rate, and whether or not you are able to rent an apartment or house. Unfortunately, mistakes do happen and these errors can have a severe impact on your life. A fair credit reporting act attorney can help you to protect your rights when these errors occur.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) regulates the activities of consumer reporting agencies, also known as “credit bureaus.” This includes restrictions on who can see your credit report and what information can be reported. If your credit report contains inaccurate information, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the consumer reporting agency or the business that provided the incorrect information to the credit bureaus.
A credit reporting agency that is in violation of the FCRA may be held liable for damages, including actual and punitive damages. An experienced fair credit reporting act attorney can help you to fight for justice and hold those responsible accountable.
There are several common violations of the FCRA that leave consumers with negative effects on their lives. Examples of these violations include a credit bureau failing to remove erroneous information that has been disputed, a consumer reporting agency making unauthorized inquiries into your report, and an employer or landlord refusing to hire you based on a credit report.
Often, these violations are the result of creditor or other businesses that provide information to the credit reporting agencies that they do not have the right to do so. This is called “furnisher liability.” An experienced attorney can review your case and help you to decide whether or not you have a claim against an information supplier under the FCRA.
The most common errors that cause harm to consumers are due to the thousands of companies that report data to the three major credit reporting agencies and the way those reports are handled by those agencies. Some common errors include reporting a debt as paid or settled when it was actually charged off, failing to update your credit report after you complete bankruptcy, and misreporting your identity.
A lawyer who specializes in this area of law can work to get these errors corrected by preparing and filing the appropriate paperwork with the credit bureaus. Your attorney can help you to determine what damages you should receive if you are successful in your lawsuit.
An attorney who has experience with FCRA cases will be able to ensure that you have all of the documentation needed for your claim and will handle every step of the legal process on your behalf. This helps to give you peace of mind and reduces the amount of stress that you have to deal with when it comes to these complicated matters.
Contact an experienced Fair Credit Reporting Act Attorney today for more information. We understand the serious and adverse consequences that can result from an inaccurate credit report and will work diligently to correct these errors for you as quickly and thoroughly as possible.